Haircare Hacks | You're Shampooing Your Hair All Wrong

That may be a little dramatic. We doubt that you are shampooing your hair completely wrong but we do have some tips that you may want to consider the next time you are in the shower. Some of these you may be a no brainer, but we all need a reminder from time to time.

Keep Conditioner Away From Your roots

This is a mistake that I even make from time to time! We all get a little over zealous by letting the conditioner creep up to our roots and now you have flat, hard to manage hair the rest of the day. Just try to keep any conditioning treatments to the mids to ends of your hair and it will change your styling world. The only exception to this rule would be scalp specific treatment that would condition your scalp but schedule that style of treatment a couple days out from a special event; you don’t want to be cursed with flat, limp hair.

You’re Not Letting Your Conditioner Sit On Long Enough

We all get a little rushed during our day to day routines. However, where you may be saving time by rinsing early, you may be hindering your entire style by not allowing your conditioner to do its job. The longer you can leave you conditioner on the better at detangling and moisturizing your dry ends back to health.

Lather Rinse Repeat

This is not just a marketing ploy to get you to use more shampoo which leads to you purchasing more shampoo. There are so many benefits to washing your hair twice every time you cleanse your strands. You most likely will not be able to get all the dirt, grime and build up out with that first shampoo. The next time you shower, shampoo once, rinse and then repeat. Trust us, you are going to notice an obvious difference in how your hair suds up the second time.

Put The Purple Shampoo Down

If you are a blonde, you are familiar with purple shampoo as it is probably in the list of your ride or die products. Purple shampoo will do wonders for your tone if you are experiencing a bit of brassiness but are you using it too often? You may be causing unnecessary dryness by overusing your purple toning shampoo so use it sparingly and only when you can not handle the brass hints in your highlights.


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