The Hair Extension Handbook: Dos and Don'ts for Gorgeous Locks

Want to switch up your look with some new hair extensions? You’ve come to the right place! We’ll give you all the dos and don’ts of using hair extensions so you can create stunning, show-stopping locks. With this guide, you’ll be able to quickly transform your look from “meh” to “marvelous!” Let’s get started.

The Do's of Hair Extensions

Do choose the right type: There are many different types of hair extensions out there – clip-ins, wefts, pre-bonded strands – so it can be hard to know which type is best for you. Before buying anything, do your research and determine what type is best based on your lifestyle and desired look. For example, if you want something that looks more natural, clip-ins may be a better option than pre-bonded strands.

Do use a heat protectant: Whenever styling or curling your hair extensions with heat tools (such as a blow dryer or curling iron), make sure to apply a heat protectant product first! This will help prevent damage and keep your hair looking healthy and shiny. 

Do brush them regularly: If you want your hair extensions to stay tangle free, make sure to brush through them every day with a wide tooth comb or soft bristle brush. This will help keep them looking smooth and luxurious. Additionally, brushing helps distribute oils throughout the strands so they don't become dry or brittle.

The Don'ts of Hair Extensions

Don't shampoo too often: While it's important to keep your hair extensions clean, over-shampooing can cause damage and dryness. To keep them in good condition, only wash them once every week or two with a gentle shampoo that won't strip away their natural oils.

Don't sleep in them: Believe it or not, sleeping in your hair extensions can cause breakage and damage over time. To prevent this from happening, always take them out before going to bed at night – even if it's just for one night! This will help ensure that they stay looking beautiful for longer periods of time.

Don't forget about maintenance: Just like any other item in our wardrobe or beauty routine, hair extensions require regular maintenance in order to stay looking their best! Make sure that you're taking care of them by brushing through regularly and using the right products (like heat protectants) when styling with heat tools.

With these tips in mind, you should have no problem creating gorgeous locks with your new hair extensions! Just remember the do's and don'ts outlined above – choose the right type for you; use heat protectants; brush regularly; avoid over-shampooing; take them out before sleeping; maintain regular upkeep – then you'll be well on your way towards achieving luscious locks all year round! Good luck!


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