How to Layer your Skincare | Night Routine

AM vs. PM

For some of us our morning skincare routine looks exactly like our evening routine. We wash, then moisturize and call it a day (or night). Something I’ve been working on the last couple of months is treating my evening skincare routine more like a night time ritual. It is almost like I’m allowing myself to have this time to pamper myself and my skin. What I’ve found is that my morning skin has never looked better. It is time we prep our skin each night so we start the next day with our best complexion forward. Nighttime routines is a great time to incorporation those key features of skincare that you do not have time for in the morning or products that will not still well under your makeup, products such as masks, physical exfoliation and deep moisturizers.

Step One

Step one for a nighttime skincare routine is aways cleansing the skin. There are so many ways and products you can use to wash your face each night. The most important thing to remember when cleaning at the end of the day is that you are trying to remove any impurities on the skin such as makeup and daily pollutions we encounter throughout the day so choose your products wisely. We recommend


So, we’ve cleaned away all the makeup, dirty and grime that has collected throughout the day. Next we need to remove any dead skin cells and dry, flaky bit on the surface of our skin. Exfoliating has countless benefits such as revealing smoother skin and creating a brighter complexion. The best way to tackle this is will either a physical or chemical exfoliator. With a physical exfoliator, there are tiny pieces of abrasive materials suspended in skin care product to help smooth the surface. Chemical exfoliators are just as they sound; usually a specific percentage of a skin loving acid that will help remove that unwanted dead skin over time. Either route you go is going to be a personal choice based on your skincare needs and goals. Exfoliation doesn’t just end with your face, it’s important to exfoliate away the dead skin from the rest of our skin as well. Dry brushing is a simple aspect to include in your daily shower routine that helps stimulate and exfoliate the entire body.


If you have spent even a minute online in the last decade, you’ve probably seen the meme that goes “If you did _______ thing, it’s time for a night cream.” Whether you fall into the jelly sandal wearing group or panty hoes as a necklace camp, it’s time to consider a richer night cream. Rich moisturizers do not really sit well under makeup so they are not ideal for daytime wear unless you suffer from extremely dehydrated skin. Nighttime skincare thrives off moisturizing oils and thick, luxurious creams. Trust us on this one, you are going to wake up a brand new person tomorrow morning.


We are all guilty of multitasking and we are also aware how unproductive that behavior can be at time but if you are not multi-masking you are doing your skin a disservice. Multi-masking is where you use more than one mask at time to achieve your skin goals. Most of us have areas on our skin that dry while others are excessively oily. You may not want to use a detox clay mask over your dry skin since it may irritate the sensitive skin but your more oily areas would really benefit to a nice detox mask. We recommend place skin care masks in different zones of your face based on their specific needs.


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